It’s a challenge faced by anyone working in a cold store or freezer. How can you find a glove that keeps your finger tips warm, but is flexible enough to allow you to complete day to day tasks such as writing, cutting and typing on RF scanners? It comes down to the Dexterity versus Warmth ‘battle’!

We have put together a visual chart to display this ‘battle’ across our product range. It will help you identify which glove suits the requirements of your staff in the cold store best, depending on their needs of warmth and dexterity. As a team, we are continually trying to develop and introduce gloves that are in the top right quadrant; high dexterity, high warmth!

Please note; there are a ton of other considerations you should think about when finding the perfect thermal glove which we cannot cover on this chart (i.e. longevity, comfort, sizing range). Please contact one of our Cold Storage experts if you require more information or help!


Click to download the chart!

thermal-gloves-graph-dexterity vs warmth

Cold Storage, Freezerwear, Gloves, Thermal Gloves
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